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Land of My Dreams
Land of My Dreams Read online
Published by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas
2333 Barton Oaks Dr., Raleigh, NC, 27614
ISBN: 978-1941103173
Copyright © 2014 Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas
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All poetry is the property of Norma Gail Thurston Holtman. Copyright © 2011 Norma Gail Thurston Holtman. All rights reserved.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Holtman, Norma Gail Thurston
1st ed. Land of My Dreams/Norma Gail Thurston Holtman
Printed in the United States of America
To Dirk, the love of my life.
Thank you for your patience, your encouragement, your belief in me, and for holding my heart gently within our circle of golden bands.
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Praise for Land of My Dreams
Norma Gail’s debut novel shows a mastery of the craft and technique of writing, unusual in a new author. Land of My Dreams flows easily between crisp, nicely blending narrative, description, and dialog, making the story easy to read right from the start.
~ Michael Phillips,
CBA Bestselling Author
Norma writes with a flair that will wrap you in suspense and romance, capturing you into the setting of New Mexico and Scotland. If you need the place to escape to for a few hours, this is a wonderful book that will sweep you away.
~ Jennifer Hudson Taylor, award winning author of the Highland series and The MacGregor Quest series
Land of My Dreams is aptly titled. The novelist, Norma Gail, drew me into the setting as a rich part of the story. With delightful descriptions, Scotland slipped into my mind in full-blown images. I truly did not want to stop reading, so smoothly did the story wrap around and through my imagination. Exactly what a book is supposed to do–transport me to another place and time without a recognition of the transplant.
~ Angela Breidenbach, author of A Healing Heart and soon to be released, Snowflake Tiara. www.AngelaBreidenbach.com
Land of My Dreams is a winner in so many ways. That it is the debut novel of author Norma Gail makes it certain that it won’t be her last. The setting is spectacular, another character in this classic love story not only of Bonny Bryant and Kieran MacDonnell but also of God and His children. As Bonny and Kieran discover that God has ordained that beauty rises out of ashes, they rediscover the faith they had abandoned as a result of tragedy in their lives. Land of My Dreams is a truly satisfying read.
~ Marjorie Vawter
ACFW Genesis Short Novel Category Coordinator
ACFW Central Zone Director
Freelance Editor
CCWC & GPCWC Assistant to the Director and Appointments Coordinator Founder of Discovering Foundations of Truth website, www.marjorievawter.com
Table of Contents
Praise for Land of My Dreams
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Goodbyes
Chapter Two: A New Beginning
Chapter Three: Kieran
Chapter Four: Changes
Chapter Five: Edinburgh
Chapter Six: Kari and Dan
Chapter Seven: Views of Loch Linnhe
Chapter Eight: Thoughts of Home
Chapter Nine: The Farm and Other Things
Chapter Ten: Of Trout and Rainbows
Chapter Eleven: Differences
Chapter Twelve: A Night to Remember
Chapter Thirteen: Faith and Emotions
Chapter Fourteen: Anything But That
Chapter Fifteen: Confessions
Chapter Sixteen: The Nightmare
Chapter Seventeen: Love and Thanksgiving
Chapter Eighteen: Stonehaven Farm
Chapter Nineteen: Conversations, Revelations, and Struggles
Chapter Twenty: Preparations and Dilemmas
Chapter Twenty-one: Beauly
Chapter Twenty-two: Argument and Opportunity
Chapter Twenty-three: Nollaig Chridheil
Chapter Twenty-four: Challenges and Surprises
Chapter Twenty-five: Into the Depths
Chapter Twenty-six: Alone Again
Chapter Twenty-seven: Blackness
Chapter Twenty-eight: The Accident
Chapter Twenty-nine: Re-enter Adam
Chapter Thirty: Crisis
Chapter Thirty-one: The Rivals
Chapter Thirty-two: The Choice
Chapter Thirty-three: Longing
Chapter Thirty-four: My Heart’s Home
Chapter Thirty-five: Right Perspective
Chapter Thirty-six: God’s Perfect Time
Chapter Thirty-seven: Fear
Chapter Thirty-eight: Golden Bands
Discussion Questions
When I look back on the journey to publishing Land of My Dreams, I am amazed at the number of people who have helped and encouraged me along the way. This book would not exist without the help of so many people who gave of their time to help me realize my dream. I have been blessed by their honesty, candor, encouragement, and prayers. They all deserve credit for what this book has become and whatever it accomplishes, for without them, it might not exist.
When I broke my right foot in 2008, ending up in a wheelchair, I needed something to occupy my mind, and thus began Land of My Dreams. Now, in 2014, I am seeing the hard work become reality. I want to thank the many people who helped me.
My husband Dirk, children Ian and Amy, daughter-in-law, Lissa; my mom, Nell Thurston; and my mother-in-law, Hester Holtman; put up with years of me talking about dead relatives from my genealogy research. Then they had to put up with years of me starting conversations about my imaginary friends, the characters from my book. They don’t necessarily understand, but they love me anyway, and overlook my strange affinity for make-b
elieve worlds.
Dirk has offered his encouragement, his opinions, and his recommendations about how a man would respond in various circumstances, and how the fishing scene should go. That’s true partnership in a marriage. He has attended writer’s conferences as my support and encouragement, working from the room while I attended workshops, and enduring meals while listening to writers talk about their books.
Next are my friends who read and critiqued the earliest manuscripts: my childhood friend and high school writing buddy, Brenda Parrish; Jan Montgomery, my former Teaching Leader in Bible Study Fellowship who risked our friendship to be honest; my best friend and spiritual encourager, Jeni Civerolo; my dear friend, Roseanne Pennington; and our wonderful family friend, Billie Waters. The second-round readers, two of whom, Brenda and Roseanne, came back for a second dose; Sharon Finch, Laura Galbraith, and Helen Duncan, all gave such valuable input. The women in the Bible studies I lead at church have encouraged and prayed for me all along the way.
Angela Breidenbach did the first critique at my very first Colorado Christian Writer’s Conference, even meeting with me over lunch, and said from the beginning that Land of My Dreams was publishing material. Cindy Sproles accepted my first devotional submissions to ChristianDevotions.us, and further helped me believe I could write. Linda Evans Shepherd taught the Continuing Session for Beginning Fiction Writers at my second conference, and encouraged me that my book could be published. Marjorie Vawter showed me how valuable editing is and further encouraged my dream.
After putting me into shell-shock at my second CCWC, when he turned a 15 minute appointment into 30 minutes of rewriting the beginning of the book, Eddie Jones, the Acquisitions Editor of Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas gave me my chance by offering me a contract. I am forever grateful. He helped me learn to take the tough stuff and keep going to make it happen.
My editor, Amberlyn Edwards, is a blessing. She took the book on when another editor dropped out and really got things moving. She is a terrific encourager and a tough, but gentle teacher. I have loved working with her!
Amy Drown, my Scottish content advisor, gave me so many excellent pointers and worked so hard to make things the best they could be, even beyond the Scottish references. Her knowledge of piping was invaluable and her editing suggestions were insightful. Thank you, Amy!
The beta readers who gave of their time to correct mistakes and let me hear the opinion of readers, and the influencers who helped promote the book have my everlasting gratitude.
My thanks would not be complete without thanking Tim Burns of Visible Platforms who set up my website and took me through the book launch. Thank you, one and all, for your willingness to work with me, love me, and encourage me when my belief in myself wavered. God bless you abundantly.
“He has made everything beautiful in His time. He has set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom what God has done from the beginning to end.”
Ecclesiastes 3:11
Chapter One: Goodbyes
Bonny Bryant knew it was crazy to even think about a man when she was headed for Scotland. The Albuquerque International Airport was the first stop in her quest for a new life. Nonetheless, she paused to look at the tanned, trim man in the business suit as he came down the escalator. There was no harm in appreciating a handsome man while she waited for Kari, but then the familiar lump formed in her throat and she turned away, searching for her best friend.
Where was Kari, anyway? She had paused to speak to some old friends of her parents, and Bonny went on to check her bags. The bottom of the escalator was their designated meeting place. A glance at her watch showed only ten more minutes before she would have to go on. She swiped her hand across her eyes. Hurry, Kari, I can’t leave without a hug. You’re all I’ve got.
The tall man stepped off the escalator, a few feet away, and Bonny clasped her hands and closed her eyes, forcing herself to close her mouth. The similarity of his build and appearance to Adam gave her a jolt. Why did she have to be reminded of him right now?
Forcing her thoughts to the present, Bonny looked around the familiar chaos of the “Sunport” with a feeling of nostalgia. Massive wooden vigas carved and painted with bright Native American symbols provided a unique New Mexican flair, undiminished by the varied origins of the travelers. She would miss the distinctive culture of her hometown.
The frantic fluttering in her chest stopped when she spotted Kari Anderson hurrying through the crowd. “I’m sorry, Bonny. They wanted to know all about the wedding plans and how Dan is doing. It took longer than I intended.”
“It’s okay. Walk with me to security.”
“I hate that you had to stand here alone all that time. Let me take your carry-on. You’ll be handling it on your own long enough. There’s so much I want to say to you.”
Relieved of the backpack, Bonny grabbed Kari’s elbow. “Slow down, will you? I want to remember everything—the sights, sounds, and smells, all the things that make New Mexico unique. I’m glad you suggested bringing frozen green chile along. It will be nice to have a taste of home.”
Kari put her arm around Bonny’s shoulders as they made their way down the crowded hallway. “I’ll send you care packages when you get homesick, just like I do for Dan.”
“Not quite the same, I hope. I can do without the socks.” Bonny set the pace as she continued her sentimental farewell, sniffing the delicious odors of New Mexican food from a nearby café and savoring the distinctive flavor of the Sunport. She had never lived anywhere else. From this point on, everything would be unfamiliar. No reminders of home or of Adam. Whoa girl, one step at a time. Too much time dwelling on it and she might panic.
The glass doors leading to the security area meant the time for good-byes had arrived. She leaned into her friend’s shoulder, knowing nine months stood between them and the next hug.
“I wish—”
“No, don’t.” Bonny didn’t want to listen again to all the reasons why moving to Scotland was a bad idea. Sidestepping to allow a group of businessmen to pass, she held Kari at arm’s length. She looked into her friend’s watery blue eyes, taking in her tall, willowy build, jet-black hair, and casual elegance. “I’ll be back for your wedding in the spring. Let me leave with the memory of my best friend wishing me well.”
Kari nodded, shaking the shining waves of hair behind her shoulders and pasting on a smile. “I’ll be lonely with Dan in Afghanistan and you in Scotland. I hope you find what you’re searching for.”
Bonny tried to swallow the lump that lodged in her throat once again. “I’ll be fine.”
She stretched to kiss the freckle-sprinkled cheek of her much-taller friend. Squaring her shoulders, she stepped through the doors toward her future, whatever it held.
After clearing security without a glitch, she paused to look up at the imposing sculpture of an Indian shaman grasping the feet of an eagle in flight. It seemed appropriate. “Here I go, stepping off into the unknown. Good-bye, New Mexico.”
Chapter Two: A New Beginning
Twenty hours later, give or take the half hour in the parking lot practicing driving on the wrong side of the road, Bonny eased the car into gear and joined the traffic whizzing by. She was on her way from Inverness to Fort William. Her father’s instructions for driving in Great Britain echoed in her head. Look right, turn left, look right, turn left.
“Okay, Dad,” she whispered. “Here I go. I wish you were with me. I’m living our dream.”
She pulled out onto the street toward the A82. After months of looking at maps, she was driving the highway that would take her through the Great Glen, past Loch Ness, and on to Fort William Christian College.
Once free of the city traffic, she began to relax a little. Maybe with some distance from reminders of her own loss and the preparations for Kari’s wedding, she could find peace again.
The honking of a car horn brought her back to the reality of the fast-paced traffic around her. The beauty stole her breath away, and shivers
tingled up her spine with the inexplicable feeling of belonging she felt from the moment she stepped out of the airport terminal. For the first time in three months, she had hope.
As she rounded a curve in the road, the imposing hulk of the ruined Urquhart Castle came into view, silhouetted against the dark, mysterious waters of Loch Ness. Deliberately destroyed to thwart the enemy. Bonny pulled into the crowded parking lot, remembering the history from a travel book. Seeing it in person created an intimate identification with the castle’s Grant Tower, standing defiant and proud against the choppy waters of the loch and the leaden gray of the clouds. She was in Scotland—alone.
Recognizing a kindred spirit in the ancient edifice, she looked across the loch to the trees and farms on the other side. The peaceful pastoral scene caused her eyes to blur, and she stepped back into the car. As she fumbled in her purse for a tissue, she determined to set her mind on building a new life. No one here has to know. Stand proud.
Easing the leased red Vauxhall Astra into gear, she headed back out onto the highway, anxious to reach Fort William Christian College and her new home.
Once, she would have thought God agreed with her desire for a new life. But now, she no longer believed God involved Himself with people’s daily lives. Gazing around her, she imagined such an incredible place had the potential to help anyone start over—and she would.
Dwelling on the negative led to a dead end. She wasn’t about to start feeling sorry for herself now. She popped a CD into the dashboard player, glad she had thought to bring her favorite Celtic music. It was impossible to keep from tapping her foot to the perfect soundtrack for the symphony of sights unfolding around each bend in the road.
Bonny gaped at the green mountains with their rocky summits shrouded in clouds and the cotton balls of mist floating past. Graceful waterfalls plummeted down steep hillsides, and the deep, glacier-carved lochs captured her in their spell. In her mind, she saw a kilted figure standing high on a mountainside, the haunting melody of his bagpipes beckoning her. This land of legend and myth had enchanted her since childhood. She was fourteen the last time she visited with her parents, and the verdant green of Scotland had come to symbolize the haven of peace she longed for.